Level editor, new textures

A lot of work on the level editor lately, it needed some serious upgrade to be quite on par with the game itself (support for normals, removing old code, …) and to support new textures.

Problem with old textures was that an isometric view of the texture was still needed by the level editor (for the UI mostly), so textures could not be just a simple 32×32 px image, they needed to have all 64 possible isometric cube also

So a lot of work was needed in order to remove this (very) old dependency in the level editor.

I also tried to play with 64×64 px textures, but it wasn’t looking good since they needed to be scaled down by OpenGL, so it was useless and I reverted to 32×32 px.

So now the game can have new textures, so I began working on that. Alien Blitz had a lot of textures with low contrast and just some palette swap

For the new game I prefer to have fewer textures, but more colorful, and with variants. For example here is a simple room :

Those are some WIP new textures, and you can see some variants for the floor, with broken tiles, those variants are randomly place when generating the level. I’ve been using Resurrect 64 Palette and I’ll try to stick to it for all the colors everywhere.

Regarding the engine itself I’ve added oversampling since the FPS are high enough. So the game is currently rendering at 2x resolution and is scaled down afterwards, it will be an option later on.

There is still some work to be done on the level editor, and then I think I will begin working on new sprites / monsters.

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